
From Olekdia Wiki
Revision as of 11:19, 28 February 2020 by Luckechou (talk | contribs) (Created page with "你的飞船已土崩瓦解")
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   <string name="app_name">神奇第六感</string>
   <string name="games_t">游戏</string>
   <string name="statistics_colon_t">统计报告</string>
   <string name="statistics_t">统计报告</string>
   <string name="records_colon_t">记录</string>
   <string name="records_t">记录</string>
   <string name="personal_records_t">个人的</string>
   <string name="profile_t">图像</string>
   <string name="settings_t">设置</string>
   <string name="preferences_t">偏好设定</string>
   <string name="options_t">选项</string>
   <string name="color_game_t">纸牌颜色</string>
   <string name="suit_game_t">纸牌花色</string>
   <string name="sector_game_t">圆扇形</string>
   <string name="forex_game_t">汇市</string>
   <string name="dice_game_t">骰子</string>
   <string name="space_game_t">太空</string>
   <string name="zener_game_t">齐纳卡片</string>
   <string name="app_help_t">帮助</string>
   <string name="reminders">提醒</string>
   <string name="faq_t">训练常见问题解答</string>
   <string name="dignity_t">Dignities</string>
   <string name="about_t">关于</string>
   <string name="social_t">脸书</string>
   <string name="general_stat_t">通用</string>
   <string name="practice_t">练习</string>
   <string name="rate_t">给应用评分</string>
   <string name="misc_t">杂项</string>
   <string name="more_apps">更多应用</string>
   <string name="help_translate">协助我们翻译</string>
   <string name="share_friends">与朋友分享</string>
   <string name="support_us">支持我们</string>
   <string name="community">社区</string>
   <string name="wiki_t">维基百科</string>
   <string name="forum_t">讨论区</string>
   <string name="backup_t">备份</string>
   <string name="pro_t">专业版</string>
   <string name="free_t">免费版</string>
   <string name="features_t">特性</string>
   <string name="color_game">颜色</string>
   <string name="suit_game">花色</string>
   <string name="sector_game">扇形</string>
   <string name="forex_game">汇市</string>
   <string name="zener_game">齐纳</string>
   <string name="football_game">足球</string>
   <string name="allow">允许</string>
   <string name="disallow">不允许</string>
   <string name="finish_t_15_1">不要灰心!</string>
   <string name="finish_t_15_2">再试一次吧!</string>
   <string name="finish_t_15_3">永不放弃!</string>
   <string name="finish_t_15_4">也许你今天倒霉哟。</string>
   <string name="finish_t_15_5">会好起来的;</string>
   <string name="finish_t_15_6">相信自己!</string>
   <string name="finish_t_45_1">继续尝试!</string>
   <string name="finish_t_45_2">练习,你就会做得好!</string>
   <string name="finish_t_45_3">多用点心!</string>
   <string name="finish_t_45_4">你可以做得更好!</string>
   <string name="finish_t_60_1">干的漂亮,好多了!</string>
   <string name="finish_t_60_2">更加遵从你的内心!</string>
   <string name="finish_t_60_3">现在退出分析!</string>
   <string name="finish_t_60_4">不要被逻辑干扰!</string>
   <string name="finish_t_70_1">你在进步!</string>
   <string name="finish_t_70_2">再多一点,就会特别好!</string>
   <string name="finish_t_90_1">惊人的结果!</string>
   <string name="finish_t_90_2">你的状态棒极了!</string>
   <string name="finish_t_90_3">真棒!</string>
   <string name="finish_t_100_1">非常棒!</string>
   <string name="finish_t_100_2">你就是一个榜样!</string>
   <string name="finish_t_100_3">你今天的第六感棒极了!</string>
   <string name="finish_t_100_4">优秀!</string>
   <string name="finish_t_100_5">出色的第六感,太棒了!</string>
   <string name="finish_t_r_1">新纪录!</string>
   <string name="finish_t_r_2">你创造了历史!</string>
   <string name="finish_t_r_3">你将被铭记!</string>
   <string name="finish_t_r_4">它值得记录!</string>
   <string name="finish_t_or_1">个人纪录!</string>
   <string name="finish_t_or_2">你超过了你自己!</string>
   <string name="finish_t_or_3">最好的胜利就是自我征服!</string>
   <string name="finish_t_or_4">迄今为止最佳结果!</string>
   <string name="gift_t_1">你得到了一些遗产</string>
   <string name="gift_t_2">你的朋友还了债</string>
   <string name="gift_t_3">晚上你赢了</string>
   <string name="gift_t_4">你中了彩票</string>
   <string name="gift_t_5">存款利息为</string>
   <string name="gift_t_6">您已成功赚到了</string>
   <string name="gift_t_7">无用的收益</string>
   <string name="gift_t_8">您已经节省了杂货</string>
   <string name="gift_t_9">仙女放进你的拖鞋</string>
   <string name="motivator_1">不要再有拖延的理由!</string>
   <string name="motivator_2">您的”星期一”什么时候开始呢?</string>
   <string name="motivator_3">在你的直觉上花几分钟吧!</string>
   <string name="motivator_4">想要中奖吗? 那就提高你的直觉吧!</string>
   <string name="motivator_5">赌博的运气不好吗? 提高你的直觉吧!</string>
   <string name="motivator_6">努力工作并非成功的唯一要素!</string>
   <string name="motivator_7">用强大的直觉打败概率!</string>
   <string name="motivator_8">生存还是毁灭?直觉知道答案!</string>
   <string name="motivator_9">让您的直觉为您服务!</string>
   <string name="motivator_10">总是做快速而正确的决定!</string>
   <string name="motivator_11">是时候增强你的第六感啦!</string>
   <string name="motivator_12">别忘了,您已下决心训练自己的直觉!</string>
   <string name="motivator_13">愿充满直觉的力量与你同在!</string>
   <string name="motivator_14">有时间吗?玩玩游戏提高你的直觉!</string>
   <string name="motivator_15">变得比昨天更强大!</string>
   <string name="motivator_16">提高您的胜率!</string>
   <string name="space_f_0">所有的星球都充满了活跃的火山</string>
   <string name="space_f_1">你的飞船已土崩瓦解</string>
   <string name="space_f_2">Your team has thrown you off your spaceship</string>
   <string name="space_f_3">Oops, the planet is full of dinosaurs!</string>
   <string name="space_f_4">No air, again (</string>
   <string name="space_f_5">No water – there\'s nothing you can do there</string>
   <string name="space_f_6">Bad luck, your spaceship is broken</string>
   <string name="space_f_7">You were almost eaten by local hannibals</string>
   <string name="space_f_8">No soil, no air – no hope!</string>
   <string name="space_f_9">You can\'t make through the ring of asteroids</string>
   <string name="space_f_10">No oxygen, too bad</string>
   <string name="space_f_11">It is full of sharp-toothed carnivores!</string>
   <string name="space_f_12">Settlers has tried to shoot you down</string>
   <string name="space_f_13">It\'s already occupied by an armed nation</string>
   <string name="space_f_14">Watch out! Alien shaceship behind you!</string>
   <string name="space_f_15">Fly away or get eaten!</string>
   <string name="space_f_16">Just ice and rocks there – no chances to survive</string>
   <string name="space_f_17">No way to land because of magnetic field</string>
   <string name="space_f_18">Meteor rain, watch out!</string>
   <string name="space_f_19">Danger! The meteor hit your ship!</string>
   <string name="space_f_20">Run away – there are lots of flying beasts!</string>
   <string name="space_f_21">This planet was left after the nuclear explosion</string>
   <string name="space_f_22">Space pirates has set a trap here!</string>
   <string name="space_f_23">You\'ve noticed space pirates ship nearby</string>
   <string name="space_f_24">Your mechanic got seek, fly fast to get the medications!</string>
   <string name="space_f_25">Planet quakes constantly!</string>
   <string name="space_f_26">No land to land, all water around</string>
   <string name="space_f_27">The planet is too hot</string>
   <string name="space_f_28">You were attacked by local predatory plants</string>
   <string name="space_f_29">Poisonous insects are all around</string>
   <string name="space_f_30">Surface is just a liquid metal</string>
   <string name="space_f_31">Poisonous gases instead of air, urgh!</string>
   <string name="space_f_32">Planet is full of trash – seems like you\'re not the first here</string>
   <string name="space_f_33">It\'s definitely not your day!</string>
   <string name="space_t_0">Truly paradise planet!</string>
   <string name="space_t_1">Hooray! We\'ve got oxygen there!</string>
   <string name="space_t_2">All conditions!</string>
   <string name="space_t_3">There are even edible plants!</string>
   <string name="space_t_4">Water and air – what more can we wish!</string>
   <string name="space_t_5">Looks like this planet is the One!</string>
   <string name="space_t_6">It\'s exactly what you wanted!</string>
   <string name="space_t_7">Your dream came true!</string>
   <string name="space_t_8">Land and settle!</string>
   <string name="space_t_9">It\'s all you need!</string>
   <string name="space_t_10">What a luck!</string>
   <string name="space_t_11">You are blessed!</string>
   <string name="space_t_12">All reasons to celebrate!</string>
   <string name="space_t_13">Get your space champaign!</string>
   <string name="space_t_14">It\'s a piece of cake!</string>
   <string name="space_t_15">Local nation greets you as gods!</string>
   <string name="space_t_16">Rich landscapes are around!</string>
   <string name="space_t_17">Fabulously rich planet!</string>
   <string name="space_t_18">Here you can not only live, but also to dig for gold!</string>
   <string name="space_t_19">Ideal location!</string>
   <string name="match">Match</string>
   <string name="win_1">Win 1</string>
   <string name="football_draw">Draw</string>
   <string name="win_2">Win 2</string>
   <string name="reminder_repeat">Repeat</string>
   <string name="every_day">Every day</string>
   <string name="never">Never</string>
   <string name="tomorrow">Tomorrow</string>
   <string name="today">Today</string>
   <string name="no_reminders">No reminders</string>
   <string name="delete_reminder">Delete the reminder?</string>
   <string name="sort">Sort</string>
   <string name="by_creation_date">By creation time</string>
   <string name="by_time">By trigger time</string>
   <string name="monday_sh">Mo</string>
   <string name="tuesday_sh">Tu</string>
   <string name="wednesday_sh">We</string>
   <string name="thursday_sh">Th</string>
   <string name="friday_sh">Fr</string>
   <string name="saturday_sh">Sa</string>
   <string name="sunday_sh">Su</string>
   <string name="monday">Monday</string>
   <string name="tuesday">Tuesday</string>
   <string name="wednesday">Wednesday</string>
   <string name="thursday">Thursday</string>
   <string name="friday">Friday</string>
   <string name="saturday">Saturday</string>
   <string name="sunday">Sunday</string>
   <string name="none">None</string>
   <string name="cancel">Cancel</string>
   <string name="ok">OK</string>
   <string name="delete">Delete</string>
   <string name="get">Get</string>
   <string name="accept">Accept</string>
   <string name="on">On</string>
   <string name="off">Off</string>
   <string name="info">Info</string>
   <string name="always_ask">Always ask</string>
   <string name="never_ask">不再询问</string>
   <string name="notify">通知</string>
   <string name="never_notify">Never notify</string>
   <string name="main_menu">Menu</string>
   <string name="play_again">Again</string>
   <string name="enter_name">Enter your name</string>
   <string name="dont_show">Don\'t show it again</string>
   <string name="game_bet">Game bet</string>
   <string name="game_costs">The game costs</string>
   <string name="you_can_win">You can win</string>
   <string name="per_correct_answer">per correct answer</string>
   <string name="you_regular_user">You are our regular user</string>
   <string name="please_rate_app">Please rate the App, so we can make it even better!</string>
   <string name="rate_now">Rate now</string>
   <string name="later">Later</string>
   <string name="whats_new">What\'s New</string>
   <string name="choose_color">Choose color</string>
   <string name="beginner">Beginner</string>
   <string name="medium">Medium</string>
   <string name="advanced">Advanced</string>
   <string name="rank_1">Very Logical Person</string>
   <string name="rank_2">Luck Seeker</string>
   <string name="rank_3">Beginner Magus</string>
   <string name="rank_4">Famous Visionary</string>
   <string name="rank_5">Experienced Wizard</string>
   <string name="rank_6">Intuition Magician</string>
   <string name="day">Day</string>
   <string name="week">Week</string>
   <string name="month">Month</string>
   <string name="red">Red</string>
   <string name="black">Black</string>
   <string name="restart">Restart</string>
   <string name="refresh_table">Update the table</string>
   <string name="no_records">Record table is empty</string>
   <string name="intuition">Intuition</string>
   <string name="experience">Experience</string>
   <string name="sloth">Laziness</string>
   <string name="sloth_l">laziness</string>
   <string name="level_l">level</string>
   <string name="exp_more">exp more</string>
   <string name="round">Round</string>
   <string name="coins">Coins</string>
   <string name="value">Value</string>
   <string name="cards">Cards</string>
   <string name="attempts">Attempts</string>
   <string name="your_name">Your name</string>
   <string name="levels_prompt">Choose level</string>
   <string name="games_prompt">Choose game</string>
   <string name="you_have">You have</string>
   <string name="try_later">Please try later!</string>
   <string name="probability">Probability</string>
   <string name="absolute_sh">A</string>
   <string name="relative_sh">R</string>
   <string name="share">Share</string>
   <string name="new_accomplishment">New accomplishment!</string>
   <string name="my_current_profile">My current profile!</string>
   <string name="my_rank">My dignity</string>
   <string name="my_level">My level</string>
   <string name="my_money">My coins</string>
   <string name="share_achieve_c">I\'ve reached a new dignity in</string>
   <string name="share_profile_c">My current profile in</string>
   <string name="share_mail_subject">Check out Magic Intuition!</string>
   <string name="share_mail"><![CDATA[
       Useful app with lots of games to improve the sixth sense:
       My intuition is getting better!
   <string name="more_apps_team">More apps, made by our team</string>
   <string name="install">Install</string>
   <string name="prana_breath_t">Prana Breath</string>
   <string name="prana_breath_c">Will help you to organize breathing gymnastics practices for productivity increasing and the health improvement.</string>
   <string name="time_planner_t">Time Planner</string>
   <string name="time_planner_c">Will help you organizing your precious time with convenient schedule, to-do lists and statistics.</string>
   <string name="update_downloaded">The update has been downloaded</string>
   <string name="should_type_name">You should type a name</string>
   <string name="exp_toast">It\'s your experience</string>
   <string name="sloth_toast">It\'s your laziness</string>
   <string name="money_toast">Those are your coins</string>
   <string name="money_fellow_toast">Not fair! It\'s developer\'s trick!</string>
   <string name="sound_style_no_vibro_toast">Your device doesn\'t support vibration</string>
   <string name="coming_soon_toast">Coming soon!</string>
   <string name="connection_failed_toast">Connection failed!</string>
   <string name="retry_toast">Please retry in a few seconds</string>
   <string name="retry_later_toast">Please retry later</string>
   <string name="in_progress">In progress…</string>
   <string name="create_backup">Create backup</string>
   <string name="restore_data">Restore data</string>
   <string name="restore">Restore</string>
   <string name="create">Create</string>
   <string name="backup_success_toast">Backup file has been successfully created!</string>
   <string name="no_access_sd_toast">App has no access to SD-card!</string>
   <string name="error_toast">Oops, there\'s an error!</string>
   <string name="restore_success_toast">All data is successfully restored!</string>
   <string name="memory_card">Memory card</string>
   <string name="gdrive">Google Drive</string>
   <string name="sd_card">SD-card</string>
   <string name="reset_prefs">Reset</string>
   <string name="reset_prefs_t">Reset the settings?</string>
   <string name="reset_prefs_c">All settings in this tab will be reset to defaults!</string>
   <string name="pro_tail">[Pro]</string>
   <string name="general_cat">General</string>
   <string name="cards_cat">Cards</string>
   <string name="lang_pref">Language</string>
   <string name="default_v">Default</string>
   <string name="theme_pref">Theme</string>
   <string name="light_v">Light</string>
   <string name="dark_v">Dark</string>
   <string name="black_v">Black</string>
   <string name="night_mode">Night mode</string>
   <string name="sound_pref">Sounds</string>
   <string name="sound_style">Sound style</string>
   <string name="hammers_v">Hammers</string>
   <string name="mario_v">Mario</string>
   <string name="shot_v">Shot</string>
   <string name="small_shot_v">Small caliber</string>
   <string name="vibration_v">Vibration</string>
   <string name="true_color">\"True\" color</string>
   <string name="false_color">\"False\" color</string>
   <string name="card_back">Card back</string>
   <string name="ornament_v">Ornament</string>
   <string name="flowers_v">Flowers</string>
   <string name="ripple_v">Ripple</string>
   <string name="lozenges_v">Lozenges</string>
   <string name="playing_deck">Playing deck</string>
   <string name="deck_36_pref_value">36 cards</string>
   <string name="deck_52_pref_value">52 cards</string>
   <string name="zener_deck">Zener deck</string>
   <string name="deck_25_v">25 cards</string>
   <string name="deck_50_v">50 cards</string>
   <string name="deck_75_v">75 cards</string>
   <string name="deck_100_v">100 cards</string>
   <string name="anim_speed">Animation speed</string>
   <string name="very_slow_v">Very slow</string>
   <string name="slow_v">Slow</string>
   <string name="medium_v">Medium</string>
   <string name="fast_v">Fast</string>
   <string name="very_fast_v">Very fast</string>
   <string name="forex_history_mode">Real history mode</string>
   <string name="forex_currency">Currency</string>
   <string name="all_currency_v">所有</string>

   <string name="two_dice">Two dice</string>
   <string name="show_msgs">Show messages</string>
   <string name="daily_bonus">Daily bonus</string>
   <string name="anonymous_data_usage">Send bug reports and anonymous usage data</string>
   <string name="restart_for_apply">Restart the app to apply the changes</string>
   <string name="to_restart">Restart</string>
   <string name="allow_online_records">Include name & scores to global table if you set a record</string>
   <string name="privacy_consent"><![CDATA[By entering your name you agree with our <a href=\"%s\">Privacy Policy</a>]]></string>  
   <string name="get_pro_t">Get Pro version</string>
   <string name="get_pro_c">Get cool extra features! Support Magic Intuition in the further improving!</string>
   <string name="three_months">3 Months</string>
   <string name="one_year">1 Year</string>
   <string name="forever">Forever</string>
   <string name="discount">Discount</string>
   <string name="you_have_it">Congrats! You\'ve got it</string>
   <string name="congrats_toast">Congratulations! You\'ve got the Pro version</string>
   <string name="pro_version_toast">Available in Pro version</string>
   <string name="choose_how_much_contribute">Please choose how much you can contribute to the app\'s improvement. Thanks for your support!</string>
   <string name="donate_and_get_gift_t">Donate and get a gift</string>
   <string name="donate_and_get_gift_c"><![CDATA[If you feel the app is very useful for you so you want to express your gratitude financially, I will really appreciate it! It provides support so the app\'s \"<a href=\"%1$s\">to-implement list</a>\" will be fulfilled faster. Please note that it WILL NOT affect your subscription state: if you use free version, it will remain free, if Pro - it will stay Pro.
Thanks for your support! ]]></string> <string name="donate">捐款</string> <string name="choose_your_gift">请选择您的礼物</string> <string name="request">要求</string> <string name="you_got_discount_c"><![CDATA[订购1年其中任一款应用可获得%1$s%2$s的优惠:]]></string>
   <string name="promo_code">促销代码</string>
   <string name="enter_code">在此处输入代码</string>
   <string name="activate">激活</string>
   <string name="your_promo_code">您的促销代码</string>
   <string name="promo_howto">请在本周内激活它!</string>
   <string name="how_to">指南</string>
   <string name="to_copy">复制</string>
   <string name="pro_main_t"><![CDATA[%1$s 专业]]></string>
   <string name="pro_sub_t">最好的投资就是您的成功!</string>
   <string name="free_main_t"><![CDATA[%1$s 免费]]></string>
   <string name="free_sub_t">免费但功能足够强大!</string>
   <string name="pro_forex_t">实际的外汇汇率</string>
   <string name="pro_forex_c">体验9种货币的外汇真实历史趋势。年份和倒计数点是随机选择的,因此您应该使用自己的直觉,而非知识。</string>
   <string name="pro_dice_t">骰子游戏</string>
   <string name="pro_dice_c">玩世界上最古老的游戏之一——掷骰子! 您可以使用一个或两个骰子来提高直觉。</string>
   <string name="pro_space_t">太空游戏</string>
   <string name="pro_space_c">感受飞船队长的职责,为您的团队找到合适的星球!</string>
   <string name="pro_zener_t">齐纳游戏</string>
   <string name="pro_zener_c">从1930年代初期开始,通过经典测试来测试您的超感官知觉!</string>
   <string name="pro_football_t">足球</string>
   <string name="pro_football_c">无需花一分钱即可尝试足球博彩。</string>
   <string name="pro_reminder_t">提醒</string>
   <string name="pro_reminder_c">使用方便的提醒来计划您的直觉训练。</string>
   <string name="pro_backup_t">备份</string>
   <string name="pro_backup_c">创建备份文件并还原数据,以确保成功记录(统计信息,个人记录,经验,硬币),或将其转移到另一台设备。</string>
   <string name="pro_settings_t">更多设定</string>
   <string name="pro_settings_c">使您训练参量有更多的控制!</string>
   <string name="free_ads_t">谢绝广告</string>
   <string name="free_ads_c">您不会在这里看到任何广告——这是我们的宗旨!</string>
   <string name="free_games_t">丰富的游戏</string>
   <string name="free_games_c">在玩4种不同游戏的3个等级的同时提高直觉!</string>
   <string name="free_motivation_t">Diverse motivation</string>
   <string name="free_motivation_c">Get the most of this app, using genuine motivation system with dignities, points, laziness level.</string>
   <string name="free_stat_t">方便的统计</string>
   <string name="free_stat_c">使用详细的统计信息来追踪您的进度!</string>
   <string name="free_records_t">记录表</string>
   <string name="free_records_c">创下个人和全球记录——震撼一起的练习者!</string>
   <string name="free_coins_t">免费的金币</string>
   <string name="free_coins_c">每天获取额外的硬币来玩高级游戏。</string>
   <string name="games_help">根据您的直觉做出选择。每个游戏具有3种难度。中级和高级难度下的游戏和金币有关。</string>
   <string name="color_help">从洗过的牌组中猜所选卡牌的颜色。你可以改变混洗过的牌组中的牌数通过:菜单 -\u003E设置 -\u003E卡牌-\u003E玩的牌组</string>
   <string name="suit_help">Predict the suit of the card that is chosen from the well-shuffled deck. You can change the card quantity in a deck using: Menu -\u003E Settings -\u003E Cards -\u003E Playing deck.</string>
   <string name="sector_help">Anticipate the proper sector of the circle. Each next round the number of sectors increases by one. In each round, you have a certain number of attempts, depending on game complexity level.</string>
   <string name="forex_help">Prognosticate where the trend of the course will move. To do this, touch above or below the middle line. You can also turn on the real historical trand modе for different currencies (in settings).</string>
   <string name="dice_help">Make a guess what number of pips is going to face up. You can play either 1 or 2 dice (change it in the settings, as well as the animation speed).</string>
   <string name="space_help">You are the spaceship captain, and you need to find a planet suitable for life, so your team can land and settle. In each round, there are two suitable planets, and at least two dangerous, depending on game complexity level.</string>
   <string name="zener_help">Foresee the symbol of the card from a well-shuffled deck. You can change number of cards in a deck up to 100 in: Menu -\u003E Settings -\u003E Cards -\u003E Zener deck.</string>
   <string name="football_help">Bet on a team that you think will win (or on a draw). There are decimal coefficients that show you the chances of the outcome. The smaller this coefficient is, the bigger the chances are.</string>
   <string name="profile_help">This tab displays the parameters of your game account.</string>
   <string name="dignity_help">Your dignity depends on your level. When you reach a new degree your hat will change for a better. You start your way as a \"Very Logical Person\", and finally can grow up to \"Intuition Magician\".</string>
   <string name="name_title">Name</string>
   <string name="name_help">After entering a player name, you can edit it at any time.</string>
   <string name="statistics_help">This tab displays the dynamics of changes of your intuition index, that you can review by day, by week and by month.</string>
   <string name="intuition_help"><![CDATA[

Absolute intuition index (A) is the relation between the number of correct answers to all possible ones. It ignores the complexity level and the probability. Experienced intuits may find they have about the same absolute intuition index no matter what game and what level they have chosen - it is the proof they don\'t use logic to choose more probable answer, and just trust their 6th sense.

Relative intuition index (R) considers game complexity, and probability of the right answer, as it\'s more complicated to guess 1 out of 10 than 1 out of 2. This parameter shows the level of your ability to go against the probability.

   <string name="probability_help"><![CDATA[

Probability is the measure of the likelihood of getting no less than certain amount of right answers out of total number of trials. It is quantified as a number between 0 and 1 (where 0 indicates impossibility and 1 indicates certainty). It is calculated in different ways for different types of games.

1. For Forex, Dice, Soccer and Space games we use Bernoulli formula, as in each round probability to get the true answer doesn\'t depend on the previous rounds results:
Pn(k) = Cnk * pk * qn-k;
where p - probability to guess right in every single round. For example, for Forex it is 1/2, for Dice - 1/6, and Space - 1/2 (easy), 2/5 (medium), 1/3 (hard)
q = 1 - p
Probability to guess no less than k times in n rounds:
Probability = Pn(n) + Pn(n-1) + … + Pn(k);

2. For Sector game conditional probability rule is used. Here probability describes how likely is to reach the round k with t attempts for each round:
Probability = t/ν1 * t/ν2 * … * t/νk;
where νk - number of sectors in round k.

3. For Color and Suit games we apply conditional probability rule together with the rule of the sum of probabilities. We assume that player chooses the most probable variant every round. Here probability shows how likely it is to guess correct no less than k times with n cards in the shuffled deck, using such strategy.
Probability = p1n + … + ptn;
where pt - probability to win within the certain order of cards (t) in the deck
ζn = n! / ((n / 2)! * (n / 2)!) - all possible card orders of this deck (permutations of n cards with repetitions).

   <string name="exp_help">You earn experience points for consecutive correct answers, and the more correct answers in a row, the more points. Your level displays the development of your intuition.</string>
   <string name="sloth_help">You need to break up your laziness, which recovers to 100 percent every day! For this, play until the laziness will not run low. It is small, but regular efforts, that do develop intuition effectively!</string>
   <string name="money_help">Every day you get a certain number of coins needed for the games at the middle and advanced level of complexity. To start the game, you have to pay a certain sum, depending on the type and complexity of the game. Each correct answer is awarded with coins, and a good game brings you more than you\'ve spent.</string>
   <string name="faq_t_1">What is intuition?</string>
   <string name="faq_c_1">According to Wikipedia, intuition is a phenomenon of the mind that describes the ability to acquire knowledge without inference or the use of reason. We would add that it is also a premonition of the opportunities that will bring the best results.</string>
   <string name="faq_t_2">How and when is it better to practice?</string>
   <string name="faq_c_2">Try \"to catch\" the first thing that comes to your mind; it\'s something more like a feeling, a premonition. If it has given you a right clue, remember how it felt like. Ignore thoughts like \"there was already 3 reds in a row\", logic is not what you train here. It is best to practice every day, when you have a free minute, but surely - in a good mood and well-being.</string>
   <string name="faq_t_3">How will guessing the chances help the intuition improvement?</string>
   <string name="faq_c_3">In this app, \"chances\" are generated before the game starts, so you guess not the random event itself, but the pre-set sequence of chances. Just like in life, usually we make choices such as \"believe - do not believe\", \"buy - sell\", often without knowing all the possible consequences, but wanting the best results anyway. Here we need some courage and good intuition.</string>
   <string name="faq_t_4">How much should I practice for sustainable results?</string>
   <string name="faq_c_4">For best results, you need to practice on a daily basis, at least until you run out the \"Laziness\" (see the \"Profile\" tab). As in the case of physical workout, it is important to stay in shape constantly - without this your performance deteriorates.</string>
   <string name="faq_t_5">When can I see the practical result?</string>
   <string name="faq_c_5">The first results are usually visible within a couple of weeks of regular exercising, and sustainable - in 2 months. Daily diligent training accelerates this process.</string>
   <string name="faq_t_6">How will it help in life at all?</string>
   <string name="faq_c_6">Intuition, like any skill, can be applied in different areas of life, in particular, wherever you need to make choices: in business, in science, in gambling, in interpersonal relations. Development of intuition helps you to make correct and, what is very important, fast decisions.</string>
   <string name="faq_t_7">I\'m practising for a long time, but I see no result. What should I do?</string>
   <string name="faq_c_7">In this case, it is likely that you usually practice in not your most cheerful and happy mood, and perhaps haven\'t identified yet the nature of your intuitive impulse. Next time try to start playing in excited-elated, or vice versa, in excited-scared mood. Vivid emotions promote vivid manifestation of intuition. Think, in extreme situations \"the sixth sense\" greatly escalates.</string>
   <string name="my_goal_t">我的目标:</string>
   <string name="my_goal_c">有成千上万的人通过拥有强有力的直觉改善了生活质量!</string>
   <string name="app_goal_t">应用目标:</string>
   <string name="app_goal_c">为了帮助您以一种有趣的方式发展第六感,使这种培训成为您一天中愉快的一部分,而直觉是有效生活中不可或缺的一部分。</string>
   <string name="privacy_t">隐私政策</string>
   <string name="version">版本:</string>
   <string name="developer">作者及应用开发人员:</string>
   <string name="write_to_author">给作者写信</string>
   <string name="user_support">用户支持:</string>
   <string name="designers">策划:</string>
   <string name="sound_designer">音响设计师</string>
   <string name="translation">翻译:</string>
   <string name="thanks_for">特别鸣谢:</string>
   <string name="licensing">此应用所用的库和音效来自:</string>