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Udgeeth to dodatkowy typ treningu w Prana Breath, dostępny w wersji Guru

Download: Udgeeth.trng


  • zwiększenie poczucia spokoju i radości
  • zmniejszenie napięć i stresu
  • obniżenie ciśnienia krwi
  • walka z bezsennością i koszmarami
  • wzmocnienie systemu nerwowego
  • poprawa pamięci

Origin, history

This training type, as well as "Harmony" and "Power", is derived from Pranayama, an ancient Vedic technique of breathing gymnastics, and is translated from Sanskrit as "Chanting" or "Om syllable". It is also called "Chanting breath", and considered as one of the simplest Pranayamas.
In Prana Breath this training type is adapted even for people that don't practice Yoga and/or don't have much time for practice but still need its effect.

Setting the training

  1. Download this pattern if you don't have it yet.
  2. Choose this pattern in Training tab or Control tab.
  3. Set the optimal training complexity so the training brings you joy, yet doesn't seem too easy. Use the options in Control tab and/or Dynamic tab to adjust all parameters.

Training process

  1. Choose the comfortable position.
  2. Empty your lungs, breathing out with effort ("Prepare").
  3. Make a full inhaling ("Inhale") though your nose.
  4. Exhale through your mouth, chanting "OM" or "AUM". Make sure your "Ooo" or "Auu" lasts about 75-80% of exhaling duration, while "Mmm" - 20-25%. Feel the vibration and let the sound flow freely.
  5. Keep breathing like this till the end of your training session, following the breath method indicator.
  6. After you're done, you might take some time for meditating and contemplating yourself.

Other questions

How long should I train? How can I combine this pattern with another? Should I always inhale through my nose?
If you have such or other questions, please look through the FAQ page.