karta dziennika

From Olekdia Wiki
Revision as of 10:53, 4 September 2018 by Robert (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Film == Obejrzyj ten film, jeśli chcesz dowiedzieć się więcej o tej karcie.<br />")
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Karta dziennika jest kartą Prana Breath, gdzie możesz sprawdzić szczegóły sesji oddechowych, medytacji i testóœ zdrowia.


Obejrzyj ten film, jeśli chcesz dowiedzieć się więcej o tej karcie.

What can you see and set in Log tab

In action bar

(from left to right)

  • The name of the tab — "Log", and faded names of other tabs - Experience tab, Progress tab and Health tab
  • Menu button, that comprises the following items:
    • "Delete all" option
    • Info - if you tap on it, you will be directed to the wiki page

In top section of the list

  • Navigation arrows that allow to go to previous years
  • Quantity of breathing sessions, meditations and health tests that year
  • The year you've chosen (it's the current year by default)
  • Total amount of time spent that year for all practices

In the list

  • Name of the practice
  • Date of performance
  • Time spent for the practice
  • Menu button, that comprises the following items:
    • "Details", that opens right drawer with details of the entry
    • "Note", that allows to write/view/edit the note of the entry
    • "Delete", option that lets to delete the entry
  • Big purple "Export statistics" button on bottom left

View detailed info about each practice

Tap on any entry to see the right drawer with all the details. If you wish to add a note to write down your impressions, feel free to do it using "Note" item.

  • Note that if you look through the details about breathing session with Dynamic mode turned on, you will see 3 values in each of Breaths per minute and Cycle duration items, and those are minimum, average and maximum values.

Export the statistics

If you'd like to have your statistics exported to a .csv file, please follow this instruction.

Reset the statistics

If for whatever reason you'd like to reset the data in this tab, you can do that, performing the following:

  1. Tap on menu button in the right corner of action bar and choose "Delete all" item.
  2. Type "DELETE" and press on "Delete" button to confirm.
  • This will affect the statistics in this tab, Experience tab, Progress tab and Health tab, not your training patterns, settings or sounds.
  • If you have the backup file created before resetting the statistics, you can have it back after restoring.