Karta dynamiczna

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Karta dynamiczna to zakładka Prana Breath pozwalająca zwiększać stopień trudności w bardzo wygodny sposób i dostosowywać parametry każdego cyklu. Jest dostępna tylko w wersji Guru.

Co możesz zobaczyć i ustawić na karcie dynamicznej

W pasku akcji

(od lewej do rpawej)

  • Nazwa bieżącej karty — "Dynamiczna",i ciemniejsza nazwa poprzedniej — "Kontroli"
  • Przełącznik "trybu dynamicznego" — po dotknięciu zazieleni się
  • Przycisk menu, który po dotknięciu rozwinie się:
    • "Szczegóły", gdzie znajdziesz informacje o treningu
    • "Info", gdzie znajdziesz informacje o karcie

Na ekranie głównym

Modyfikacja parametrów treningu

Zmiana stosunku faz

  1. Dotknij dwa razy wybranego cyklu.
  2. W prawej szufladzie dotknij pozycji "stosunek cyklu oddechowego".
  3. Zmień wartość wedle uznania.
  • Zauważ, że zmodyfikowane cykle mają wykresy zielone, a niezmodyfikowane - fioletowe. Zmodyfikowany, "zielony" cykl jest "cyklem wyjściowym", a kolejne, niemodyfikowane bezpośrednio, są fioletowe.
  • UWAGA! Pierwszy cykl zawsze pozostaje "cyklem wyjściowym" i jest zielony.

Change the ratios of all "key cycles" at once

  1. Set the ratio for the "key cycle" you'd like, press "OK".
  2. Mark a checkbox with the changes in ratio. It looks like "+0:+1:+0:+0 to ratio".
  3. Press "Apply". This way all the "key cycles" after the modified one, are changed as well.

Increase "Seconds per unit" value gradually

It's very convenient way to raise your training complexity smoothly and effectively.

  1. Choose a certain cycle (with double-tap).
  2. Press on "Seconds per ratio unit" item in the right drawer appeared.
  3. Using a spinner, choose the value you'd like. Press OK.

Modify the "sec per unit" value of all "key cycles" at once

  1. Set the "sec per unit" value for the "key cycle" you'd like, press OK.
  2. Mark a check box with the changes in "sec per unit". It looks something like "+0.1 to sec per unit".
  3. Press "Apply". This way all the "key cycles" after the modified one, are changed as well.

Use diverse breath methods

Diverse breath methods are available for custom patterns and downloaded from our wiki database in Guru version.

  1. Choose the training pattern you're working with.
  2. Turn the "Dynamic mode" on.
  3. Double-tap on a cycle.
  4. Press on the "Breath methods" menu item in the right drawer appeared.
  5. Choose the breath methods for every phase of this cycle.
  6. Also keep in mind that you can alternate the nostrils every few cycles if you wish. For that, mark a check box "Alternate nostrils every 1 cycle", choose the number of cycles after which the nostrils will be alternated (pressing on a number).
  7. Press "Apply" after you're done.
  • If you set "inhale" or "exhale" with a certain nostril, you will hear a phase transition sound from corresponding side only in your headsets or stereo speakers.

Make all cycles the same back

If you want to cancel some of the settings, or feel lost about the setting you've chosen, you can always rewrite them with the following:

  1. Choose a certain cycle, double-taping on it.
  2. Set the cycle the way you like.
  3. Mark a check box "Make them the same".
  4. Press "Apply".
  5. Note that this cycle now becomes the "key cycle" , and all "key cycles" that follow this cycle will become "regular" (purple-colored), and have the very same parameters.

Change quantity and order of cycles

Insert a cycle

Use this feature to insert a cycle at any place in your training.

  1. With Dynamic mode turned on, touch and hold a cycle.
  2. Press "Insert below" if you'd like the new cycle to be added right below the highlighted one.
  3. Press "Insert above" if you'd like the new cycle to be added right above the highlighted one.
  • Note that if you insert a cycle above, it is the same as the previous (before highlighted) one, and it is always a "regular", purple-colored cycle.
  • NB! You cannot insert a cycle above the 1st cycle.

Reset the "key cycle"

Use this feature to reset the "key cycle" (green-colored) at any place in your training.

  1. With Dynamic mode turned on, touch and hold a cycle.
  2. Press "Reset".
  • NB! You cannot reset the 1st cycle.

Delete a cycle

Use this feature to delete a cycle at any place in your training.

  1. With Dynamic mode turned on, touch and hold a cycle.
  2. Press "Delete".
  • Note if you delete a "key cycle", all the "regular" cycles (purple-colored) will automatically acquire the properties of the existing "key cycle" above. If there's no other "key cycle" above, those cycles will become the same as the 1st cycle.
  • NB! You cannot delete the 1st cycle.