Дыхание по Бутейко

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Дыхание по Бутейко - это один из дополнительных типов тренировки в приложении Prana Breath, доступный для скачивания в Guru версии.



Согласно автору, доктору Бутейку, такие тренировки лечат от 150 болезней (из 30 000 существующих, как он любил повторять), включая:

  • бронхиальную астму
  • аллергии разнообразного происхождения
  • заложенность носа
  • апноэ
  • сахарный диабет.

По мнению доктора, многие болезни - результат гипервентиляции и гипокапнии, а если проще - то излишне глубокого дыхания и пониженного уровня CO2 в крови. Метод Бутейко помогает повысить уровень CO2, что и улучшает состояние здоровья.

Истоки, история

Данный метод был разработан в конце 1950-х советским доктором Константином Павловичем Бутейком.
Метод имеет много приверженцев и последователей (есть даже поддерживающая статья в The New York Times), так и критиков.
Сам же доктор Бутейко рекомендовал начинать практику с опытным сертифицированным инструктором, а потом продолжать самим. В Prana Breath данные паттерны адаптированы и для тех, у кого нет возможности практиковать с инструктором, но эффект от тренировок все же нужен.

Подготовка к тренировке

  1. Скачайте данный паттерн, если у вас его еще нет.
  2. Выберите этот паттерн во вкладке "Тренировка" или "Управление".
  3. Задайте оптимальную сложность тренировки, чтобы тренировка была приятной, но в то же время не слишком легкой. Воспользуйтесь опциями во вкладке "Управление" и/или "Динамика" для оптимальной настройки.

Training process

Buteyko shallow breathing

  1. Choose the comfortable position, if you are the beginner - sit down.
  2. Perform Buteyko test in Health tab.
  3. Go to Training tab and start the session.
  4. Relax your diaphragm, abdominal and facial muscles, keeping your back straight.
  5. Roll up your eyes.
  6. Breathe in slowly, trying to make your breath as silent and invisible as possible.
  7. Breathe out slowly, concentrating on your relaxed diaphragm.
  8. Sustain your breath, relaxing your belly and face muscles even more.
  9. Keep breathing like this till the end of your training session.
  10. It is recommended to perform Buteyko test again. If the last result is better, that means you've trained in a correct way, and your blood oxygenation level has improved.
  11. After you're done, you might take some time for meditating and contemplating yourself.

Important tips

  • Inhaling and exhaling is performed always through the nose.
  • It's essential to keep your abdomen and diaphragm relaxed!
  • NB! Make sure you don't force yourself, as the training should give the slightest feeling of air lack. After the session you shouldn't feel like you want to grasp the air avidly.
  • If you feel the lack of air is uncomfortable, next cycle breathe in a bit more, and the uncomfortable feeling will disappear. If you don't feel any air lack, - you breathe in too deep, so next cycles try to inhale less air.

Buteyko breathing by levels

  1. Choose the comfortable position, if you are the beginner - sit down.
  2. Perform Buteyko test in Health tab.
  3. Go to Training tab and start the session.
  4. Relax your diaphragm, abdominal and facial muscles, keeping your back straight.
  5. Roll up your eyes.
  6. Breathe in slowly, trying to do that as silent and invisible as possible.
  7. Breathe out slowly, concentrating on your relaxed diaphragm.
  8. Sustain your breath, relaxing your belly and face muscles.
  9. Breath in again, now for a bit longer time.
  10. Retain the air, keeping your diaphragm relaxed.
  11. Exhale slowly.
  12. Sustain the air without creating the tension.
  13. Keep repeating the steps 7-10 till the end of your training session.
  14. It is recommended to perform Buteyko test again. If the last result is better, that means you've trained in a correct way, and your blood oxygenation level has improved.
  15. After you're done, you might take some time for meditating and contemplating yourself.

Important tips

  • Inhaling and exhaling is performed always through the nose.
  • It's essential to keep your abdomen and diaphragm relaxed!
  • NB! Make sure you don't force yourself, as the training should give the slightest feeling of air lack. After the session you shouldn't feel like you want to grasp the air avidly.
  • If you feel the lack of air is uncomfortable, next cycle breathe in a bit more, and the uncomfortable feeling will disappear. If you don't feel any air lack, - you breathe in too deep, so next cycles try to inhale less air.

Other questions

How long should I train? How can I combine this pattern with another? Should I always inhale through my nose?
If you have such or other questions, please look through the FAQ page.