Комфортная позиция
Во время практики дыхательной гимнастики вы можете принять любую позу тела, при условии, что вам удобно и что вы можете без особых усилий держать спину ровной до конца тренировки.
Any straight back position works: sitting on a chair, on your heels (Vajrasana), in "half-lotus" (Ardha Padmasana), "lotus on a pillow" (Siddhasana), or "true lotus" (Padmasana). The last one is considered the best for practicing Pranayama.
Lying down with your face up might be a good choice if you are unable to maintain a straight back position during the whole breathing session. Also it's useful
Standing is also ok, but it decreases the training effectiveness, as more energy for maintaining a straight posture should be spent.
Before starting your training, please make sure that your clothes are not too tight, and they don't hinder your body while making a full inhaling in a position chosen.