Prana Breath Wiki
From Olekdia Wiki
[hide]Getting started
- Training tab
- Control tab
- Dynamic tab
- Reminders tab
- Experience tab
- Log tab
- Progress tab
- Health tab
- Settings tab
- Sounds tab
- Data tab
Training parameters
- Training kind
- Training complexity
- Breaths per minute
- Complexity level
- Training duration
- Ratio of breath cycle
- Ratio of repose cycle
- Seconds per unit
- Breath methods
- Chants or Mantras
Training types
Default training
Custom training
Preset training
- Anulom Vilom
- Bahya
- Bhastrika
- Chandra Bhedana
- Kapalbhati
- Nadi Shodhana
- Pratiloma
- Sitali
- Sitkari
- Square breathing
- Surya Bhedana
- Udgeeth
- Ujjayi
- Vrajana
Tibetan Buddhist practices
Oriental Breathing Method
- Rhythmical breath
- Prolonged breath
- 7 by 7 breathing
- Treble breath
- Snuffle-snuffle breath
- Broken wind breath
Quit smoking
Voice improving