Settings tab
Settings tab is the a tab in Prana Breath app for setting your trainings in a pleasant way. Some features are available for Guru version only.
[hide]What can you see and set in Settings tab
In action bar
(from left to right)
- Main Menu button
- The name of the tab — "Settings"
- Menu button in the right corner
In main screen
Here you can see different settings that are described in details below.
- NB! All changes that you do here are applied to all your trainings, for all tabs!
- Press on "Language" item.
- Choose the language you'd like.
- Restart the app: swipe it off the back stack of activities (or app's back stack) and press on "Prana Breath" icon again.
- NB! If you choose "Default", the app's language will appear the same as your device system language; if there's no translation to your language, the app will be in English..
Please see these screenshots for the visual guidance:
File:Prana breath lang.jpg
- There are 3 themes in the app - Light, Dark, and Black. There's no need to reset the app for the theme to be applied. It usually takes a 0,5-1,5 seconds.
- Black theme, available for Guru version only, is very energy-efficient, especially for AMOLED screens.
- Press on "Theme" item.
- Choose the theme you'd like from the list appeared.
Please see these screenshots for the visual guidance:
File:Prana breath theme.jpg
Preparing time
- Set the preparation time you'd like for every of your trainings that appear in Training tab in range from "off" to "10 s". It is available for Guru version only.
- Press on the green seek bar right to "Preparing time" item.
- Scroll to the left or to the right to change the value.
- Once you see the needed value, release the finger.
Please see these screenshots for the visual guidance:
File:Prana breath settings preparing time.jpg
Screen during training
Control your screen during your practice time. There are 3 choices:
- Default: the app doesn't interfere with your device's setting - if your screen dims in 10 sec idle, it will be the same while you are practicing;
- Keep on all training: screen won't dim or turn off while you do your breathing exercises. It's very useful if you are new to this, so you don't get frustrated fighting with the screen dimming;
- Turn off immediately: after you start the breathing session, screen will turn off. It's a good choice if you don't need to look at the training chart and are ok with guiding with sounds.
- Press on "Screen during training" item.
- Choose the screen behaviour you prefer.
Please see these screenshots for the visual guidance:
File:Prana breath settings screen.jpg
Training duration
- You can set the training duration either in time units (minutes and seconds) or in amount of cycles (their exact quantity). First is a good idea if you have just some certain time for your practice, for instance, no more than 10 minutesб the second — for ones who need the training with the certain cycle quantity.
- Press on "Training duration" item.
- Choose either "in amount of cycles" or "in time units".
- Note that if you've chosen "in amount of cycles", the spinner for "Total training duration" lets you to pick the quantity of cycles.
Please see these screenshots for the visual guidance:
File:Prana breath training duration cycles.jpg
Training chart
- There is a default training chart type called "Ring". Changing this chart type is available for Guru version users only.
- Press on "Training chart" item.
- Pick the chart you'd like.
- Go back to Training tab or Control tab and see the new chart there.
Please see these screenshots for the visual guidance and take a look at "Line" and "Space" charts. By the way, the last one looks best with Black or Dark theme:
File:Prana breath trng chart line space.jpg
Also "No chart" and the default "Ring":
File:Prana breath trng chart none ring.jpg
Chart colors
- This feature is available in Guru version only.
- Press on a phase which color you'd like to change. In our case, "Retain".
- Choose the color that you'd like. You can also play with the slider bar for choosing the right hue. We go with berry-ish color as for example.
- Once you are satisfied, press "OK".
- Also you can change the color of the "training progress bar" (inner circle in our case) - we go with silver instead of gold.
- Note that the breath methods visual indicators have the same background color as the corresponding phase.
- If you feel messed up with the colors, you can always reset those settings.
Please see these screenshots for the visual guidance:
File:Prana breath settins chart color.jpg
- Set the components of your notification area in Prana Breath, using the following options:
- Turn on "With time" switch (it's green when switched on), and you'll be able to see how much time and how many cycles left till the end of your training. It's 14:02 min and 15 cycles in our example.
- Turn on "With progress bar" switch (it's also green when switched on), and you'll be able to see the declining progress bar for the current phase. It shows "Exhale | 28" in our case.
- It is available for Guru version only.
Please see these screenshots for the visual guidance:
File:Prana breath settings notification.jpg
Statistics chart
- You can change the type of chart showing in Progress tab and Health tab using this setting. As default there are bar charts.
- Press on "Statistics chart"
- Choose "Line" (or "Bar" again). Note that now it has changed.
- It is available for Guru version only.
Please see these screenshots for the visual guidance:
File:Prana breath settings stat chart.jpg
Reset the settings
- If you don't like something that you've set in this tab and don't remember how it was before, or just want to go back to initial settings, you can always reset the settings in this tab.
- Press on menu button in the right corner of action bar.
- Press on "Reset" item.
- Confirm your decision, pressing "RESET". Note the factory settings are back again.
- NB! This will affect this tab only, NOT your trainings, statistics or sounds!
Please see these screenshots for the visual guidance:
File:Prana breath settings reset.jpg