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Prana Breath: Calm & Meditate
Increase mindfulness, improve health, fight stress with breathing & meditation
Dive into breathing techniques that are approved by ancient traditions, by modern science and by million+ of our users! Use the power of breathing and meditation to increase your mindfulness and live a better life. It doesn't matter whether you do Yoga, dieting, diving, or not, - you will see the positive impact anyway, for only 7-15 minutes a day!
Co to umí?
- Zlepšuje mozkovou činnost: paměť, pozornost, soustředění
- Relieves anxiety
- Develops resistance to stress, develops physical endurance
- Eliminates evening appetite attacks, thus helps to have a healthy weight
- Decreases the frequency of cold, migraine and asthma attacks
- Promotes healthy sleep
- Improves vocal and breath hold time, thus is good for singer and diver
Proč tato aplikace?
- Absolutně žádná reklama
- Fast, optimized, battery saving
- Easy - just tap on "play", close your eyes and let the sound guide you
- Možnost vypnout obrazovku během cvičení
- 8 dýchacích vzorů pro různé účely
- Možnost vytvořit si vlastní vzory
- Rich statistics
- Upomínky pro tvorbu pohodlného tréninkového plánu
- Postupy jsou převzaty z Pranayama, Sufi and Tibetských dechových cvičení
- Jedinečný trénink “proti chuti k jídlu” na Google Play
- Exclusive "Cigarette replace", designed by Simone Righini, to help you quit smoking
Navíc v Guru verzi:
- Dynamic trainings for smooth improvement & for sophisticated patterns
- Diverse breath methods and chants
- Detailed progress chart and training log
- 5 zdravotních testů
- Enriched settings and more sounds
- Pravidelně aktualizovaná databáze nových dýchacích cvičebních postupů, jako jsou: dýchání 4-7-8, Kapalbhati, Anulom Vilom, Nadi Shodhana, Tummo, Buteyko.
Scientific proofs:
In-app products strings
Guru forever
Improve your health and become more conscious using powerful Guru features!
Guru for 3 months
Guru for 1 year
discount 60%
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