Одноминутное дыхание
One Minute breath is the extra preset set of patterns in Prana Breath app for version 7.0 and later, available in Guru version.
Download: |
One_Minute_breathe_stage_1.trng |
One_Minute_breath_stage_2.trng |
One_Minute_breath_stage_3.trng |
- effective calming of anxiety, fear and worry
- giving a feeling of mental balance
- bringing joy to the present moment
- improving intuition
- training your lungs to process oxygen effectively
Истоки, история
Этот тип тренировки, так же как и "Гармония" и "Сила", - вид Пранаямы, древней ведической техники дыхательной гимнастики. Он является вариацией Сама Вритти Пранаямы ("Ровное дыхание" на санскрите), и особенно почитаем среди практиков Кундалини йоги.
Он был популяризирован Йоги Бхаждан, который однажды сказал "Когда вы практикуете одно дыхание в минуту, вы становитесь Паван-Гуру - вы становитесь светом и знанием Праны, и тогда вы знаете Вселенную, и Вселенная знает вас." (7/26/96)
В Prana Breath данный паттерн адаптирован для тех, кто не практикует йогу, или не имеет достаточно времени для полноценной практики, но эффект от нее все же нужен.
Setting the training
- Download those patterns if you don't have them yet.
- Choose this pattern of a certain stage in Training tab or Control tab.
- Choose the stage according to your experience and fitness. The classical version is stage 3, stage 1 and 2 are the simplified versions.
- It is recommended to practice a few minutes of Bhastrika before starting this pattern.
Training process
- Choose the comfortable position.
- Empty your lungs, breathing out with effort ("Prepare").
- Inhale through your nose.
- Retain the air, making sure you don't create excessive tension anywhere in your body.
- Exhale slowly and gradually through your nose or mouth.
- Keep breathing like in steps 3-5 till the end of your training session. If you practice stage 1, you'll have repose cycles in between so you can restore your breath.
- After you're done, you might take some time for meditating and contemplating yourself.
- You might feel you feel too warm during this training - it's normal. Be prepared to remove some excess clothing.
Other questions
How long should I train? How can I combine this pattern with another? Should I always inhale through my nose?
If you have such or other questions, please look through the FAQ page.